Wednesday, 20 November 2013

Investigation Task - Sports Gear Project

For this task it is all about researching about why brochures and magazines are used for promoting products, how they are used, what the advertising would look like, how we could improve the designing of the item promoted ourselves and how this helps our community.

i) Business Brochure/Magazines
 a) Brochures and magazines can be used to advertise many different things. Brochures/leaflets can be put in a shop by the cashier to take one self-willingly and read about the topic/advertisement. Some companies might even hire people or ask employees to walk around and give people who are walking around in the neighbourhood/streets a brochure personally. The brochures and magazines might even be used to advertise and (important) event, or opportunity to join a company, to promote a new invention, to promote the latest trends, for a new business waiting for a new beginning, restaurants, furniture stores, water equipment, etc. The 4 different types of brochures I can think of that are on top of my head would be a poster/brochure with just 1 promoting side. The second type of brochure is an A4 paper that has 2 promoting sides. The third one would the brochure that has just been folded once meaning it can have 4 sides. The last one is a brochure that has been folded twice meaning it has 6 sides. In every magazine/newspaper there are many pages just for advertising.
c) The layout of the brochure should be entertaining. The way the advertisement has been created should be entertaining and eye-catching. The information, pictures/images/cartoons, text/slogans should be appealing. When the brochure or advertisement is being advertised the audience aimed for should see the brochure and if they are interested they will take the brochure and take a more detailed look at the information.

a)     The different types of sports gear that can be used in a competitive way could be a surf board, (diving) wet suits, life vests, kayak, swim suits/trunks, goggles, boards, wake board, kite (for kite sailing), stand up paddle surfing board and paddle, etc.
b)     A few ideas that could be adjusted to sports gear could to a paddle for stand up paddle surfing, design a surfing board that will help the person glide through the water more swiftly or maybe for sportswear the clothing material might be uncomfortable or maybe just don't fit right.
c)     The idea I have decided to use to create and improve sports gear is the stand-up paddle surfing
4. I have decided to mainly focus on the sport stand up paddle surfing. Quite a lot of times when someone is seeing stand up paddle surfing my parents/friends/the people around me give a comment about the effect of doing the sport. Since the sport only includes 1 pedal and the person paddling has to switch sides with the pedal the hips of the person will move and their backs will be bent when pushing the pedal through the water. When this move and process is repeated many times for a long period of time it may harm the human body afterwards.
5.   My main source for this idea is communication (friends, family, companions) and own experience. Friends, family and family friends have said before that stand-up paddle surfing is unhealthy and can damage/hurt the hip from the hip rotation when pushing the paddle through the water and switching sides. These sources may not be professional but they are accurate and reliable. Not only have I experience the pain but so have other family/ friends/ family friends.

 6. I have chosen to improve the paddle and impact of stand-up paddle surfing. The reason for why I chose this is because this has always been a problem. This can really affect the people completing this activity. Especially if the activity is completed wrong the sport can really affect the hip area in a bad way. If the hip area is badly impacted the person who is hurt might not be able to complete actions like walking, etc. I will design a paddle that where the person completing the sport will only have to push the paddle down /through the water, pull the paddle towards them and rotate the paddle to switch sides. The paddle will have a bent at the bottom so that when the paddle will be put in the water the bent in the paddle will appear and be pushed in the water to the side of the board/person.

This picture shows the change that I would like to improve to the stand-up surfing paddle. The model of the paddle on the left is the original model of a paddle used now. The model on the right is what I  would like the final product to look like. In the picture it can be clearly seen that the paddle on the right is bend. This is so when the person paddling/surfing only has to push the paddle down. The paddle will avoid touching the human (body) and the surf board.
7. To be able to design the brochure I will use Adobe Photoshop to photo-shop the picture of the paddle into a picture of a person holding the paddle happily and showing the correct movement of the hips.
8. A questionnaire is possible. For this can be used as well as a hand made survey.


·         "Own Your Life." N.p., n.d. Web. 14 Nov. 2013.
"Magazine Subscriptions UK | Buy Gift, Discount & Cheap Magazine Subscriptions."Magazine Subscriptions UK | Buy Gift, Discount & Cheap Magazine Subscriptions. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

"Start Here: How Do I Pick the Right Materials for My Research?  ." Home. N.p., n.d. Web. 21 Nov. 2013.

Reflection:- I think this idea is an idea no one else would come up with. Making it original.


  1. Hi Viktoria,
    While you have all the relevant information on your blog the only things missing are the Adobe Photoshop features that you tried as part of ATL and the design of your actual product with the plan on how you are going to complete the entire project.
    All the best!

  2. Your blog is really good but you are missing the create criteria where you show your final product. This should be added as others don't know how your final product looks like. But in everything else you added all necessary information which is good. I like your planning the most with the Gantt chart.

  3. No final brochure was presented in this blog, but you did a very good job and it shows that you understood how to create a product from what your informations included. great job

  4. Your information was excellent and specific, but you could use more pictures and you need to put in your final design.
