Wednesday, 26 March 2014

Final Evaluation

The comments that I have received are very valuable and specific comments. It states that I should have included 3 ideas minimum instead of only 2 ideas. I should also have written more detailed pros and cons and descriptions of my ideas instead of short sentences. However, I do not agree with the comment about the structure of my blog and the grammar/punctuation. I think the grammar and punctuation is structured OK. Maybe the comment is right about using descriptive details to describe the materials/steps I could have used instead to make sure my project would have ended the way I planned it to. In my plan/create/design I could have included pictures of all the different steps I went through to get to this result. If I would have made a video then my blog/presentation would have looked more interesting. However, a positive thing about my blog would be that I did include pictures to show my materials and last few steps of the project.

Friday, 14 March 2014

Tech Fair-tech fair & design reflection

This project was not so great. One of the reasons for why it wasn't that much fun is because the method and materials didn't work out the way I wanted them to. I thought the idea was original and that it would work. I think the reason for why it didn't work out the way I wanted it to is because I didn't/do not have the required knowledge for this kind of project. However, what I could have done was used/bought one of those robots that you have to put together with lego pieces or I could have made a video using either Windows Live Movie Maker or iMovie. I could have done one of those three options because the first option is easier. All i would have to do for the first option is follow the guide and maybe get some help from adults or a partner. For option/alternative 2 and 3, it would have been easier for me to complete such a project since I have used Windows Live Movie Maker before in my free time.
I didn't get into the tech fair because I didn't finish my work on time and my project wasn't professional enough to be displayed in the Tech Fair. My project was not very appropriate for the Tech Fair since it didn't have any aspects that were related to the Tech Fair.

Tech Fair-Design,Create & Planning

I am planning to get the equipment needed and get started on making the project. 
I will be using a camera roll to collect/receive my pictures on and that camera roll will be connected to a computer/laptop through cables.
Hopefully, (if there is enough light) the view that will be projected through the tin foil will be able to be seen through the tracing paper and then passed on to the camera roll and on to the computer.
If that process does not work then this easier method will be used as an alternative:

It turned out that the first method I wanted to use did not work out. The items that were compulsory (the camera roll, cables and maybe special software) were not available anywhere near me where I could buy the equipment easily. The equipment either had to be sent over from another country to suit my project or wasn't available in the way that I needed it. 
So I decided to use the website that I had as a 'back-up plan';
Also, i don't have a shoe box so I have decided to stick 2 tissue boxes together by cutting one side of each tissue box out and sticking it together with tape.
The materials that I will be using will be:

I will need 2 tissue boxes (or a shoe box), tape, a needle, tracing paper, tinfoil, scissors, glue and a mug. Paint and a paint brush is optional to paint the inside of the box black so that the picture can be seen easier.
The result of using this method and these materials is this:

Top/ariel view of the final product.

This is the front view of the tinfoil part where the 'picture' should be projected through.

The picture that will be projected through the whole in the tinfoil will be able to be seen on this tracing paper.

Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Tech Fair- Investigation

My very first idea was to complete a robot. I was looking for a simple robot that could be made from equipment easily found either around the house or in stores.
My very first idea was to complete a robot. I was looking for a simple robot that could be made from equipment easily found either around the house or in stores.I have never made a robot before so it would have been fun to make a robot.
-The result is fun and worthy (the result)
-Something new
-If you have the knowledge (/some) it's a good challenge/fun project
-If the creator does not know anything/not much about about robots or that type of hardware it would take very long to make the robot and it would not be easy.
-The equipment is hard to get, for any robot that you would want to move

No software's are necessary (for the type of robot that I wanted to do).
18x Picaxe servo controller from Sparkfun

18x Picaxe microcontroller from Sparkfun
Micro serial servo controller available from Polulu
2 high torque servos from Polulu
2 standard servos from Polulu
oo5" thick copper, brass, or phosphor bronze sheet metal from Micromark
2- 1/8" x 1/16" neodymium magnets
1- 1"x1"x1" neodymium magnet. Magnets available from:
Telescoping brass tubing from Micromark:
Brass pins from Walmart
Glass beads from Walmart
1/10" fiberglass circuit board material from Electronic Goldmine:
clear five minute epoxy
Assorted nuts and bolts
tin snips
soldering iron
metal files
small needle nose pliers
Pic 2 shows the Picaxe module used.
Pic 2b shows the back of the Picaxe module.

Most of these materials are words that I have never heard of IN MY LIFE. This is one of the reasons for why I'm not making a robot.

My second idea, not as an idea from the internet but as my own idea, was to make my own camera. I have looked at videos and websites that explain how to make the camera. It looks easier than the robot instructions/steps that I have found. It involves some small,art skills that I may be qualified for (a bit).
-Some skills of art and precision are needed, I have those skills
-It does work
-Original idea
-If it doesnt work it was a waste of time
-It might take 3-5 hours