Friday, 14 March 2014

Tech Fair-Design,Create & Planning

I am planning to get the equipment needed and get started on making the project. 
I will be using a camera roll to collect/receive my pictures on and that camera roll will be connected to a computer/laptop through cables.
Hopefully, (if there is enough light) the view that will be projected through the tin foil will be able to be seen through the tracing paper and then passed on to the camera roll and on to the computer.
If that process does not work then this easier method will be used as an alternative:

It turned out that the first method I wanted to use did not work out. The items that were compulsory (the camera roll, cables and maybe special software) were not available anywhere near me where I could buy the equipment easily. The equipment either had to be sent over from another country to suit my project or wasn't available in the way that I needed it. 
So I decided to use the website that I had as a 'back-up plan';
Also, i don't have a shoe box so I have decided to stick 2 tissue boxes together by cutting one side of each tissue box out and sticking it together with tape.
The materials that I will be using will be:

I will need 2 tissue boxes (or a shoe box), tape, a needle, tracing paper, tinfoil, scissors, glue and a mug. Paint and a paint brush is optional to paint the inside of the box black so that the picture can be seen easier.
The result of using this method and these materials is this:

Top/ariel view of the final product.

This is the front view of the tinfoil part where the 'picture' should be projected through.

The picture that will be projected through the whole in the tinfoil will be able to be seen on this tracing paper.

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