Wednesday, 5 March 2014

Tech Fair- Investigation

My very first idea was to complete a robot. I was looking for a simple robot that could be made from equipment easily found either around the house or in stores.
My very first idea was to complete a robot. I was looking for a simple robot that could be made from equipment easily found either around the house or in stores.I have never made a robot before so it would have been fun to make a robot.
-The result is fun and worthy (the result)
-Something new
-If you have the knowledge (/some) it's a good challenge/fun project
-If the creator does not know anything/not much about about robots or that type of hardware it would take very long to make the robot and it would not be easy.
-The equipment is hard to get, for any robot that you would want to move

No software's are necessary (for the type of robot that I wanted to do).
18x Picaxe servo controller from Sparkfun

18x Picaxe microcontroller from Sparkfun
Micro serial servo controller available from Polulu
2 high torque servos from Polulu
2 standard servos from Polulu
oo5" thick copper, brass, or phosphor bronze sheet metal from Micromark
2- 1/8" x 1/16" neodymium magnets
1- 1"x1"x1" neodymium magnet. Magnets available from:
Telescoping brass tubing from Micromark:
Brass pins from Walmart
Glass beads from Walmart
1/10" fiberglass circuit board material from Electronic Goldmine:
clear five minute epoxy
Assorted nuts and bolts
tin snips
soldering iron
metal files
small needle nose pliers
Pic 2 shows the Picaxe module used.
Pic 2b shows the back of the Picaxe module.

Most of these materials are words that I have never heard of IN MY LIFE. This is one of the reasons for why I'm not making a robot.

My second idea, not as an idea from the internet but as my own idea, was to make my own camera. I have looked at videos and websites that explain how to make the camera. It looks easier than the robot instructions/steps that I have found. It involves some small,art skills that I may be qualified for (a bit).
-Some skills of art and precision are needed, I have those skills
-It does work
-Original idea
-If it doesnt work it was a waste of time
-It might take 3-5 hours

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